Staying protected in dangerous situations is very important for you and your loved ones, choosing the best protective gear that would ensure that, is a daunting task, that would require a lot of research and understanding of the capabilities of such equipment, the materials they are made of and what gear to use at which situation. Keeping your head and brain protected from injury would take the highest priority and is critical to function and survivability, and something that is constantly being overlooked is the padding of ballistic helmets which can significantly reduce the trauma to your brain after being shot at or from shrapnel and explosives. In this article we will try and explain the best ways to choose the best options for you and your family to stay protected and to ensure your safety during and after dangerous situations.
There has been a great deal of innovation that has gone into the development, research and testing of protective gear materials, design, engineering, construction, and manufacturing of bulletproof helmets in recent history, after the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. NIJ testing mainly gives you an idea of what to expect of specific bulletproof helmets and how they will function against specific rounds or threats, for example a High-Cut (III-A) Tactical Bulletproof Helmet would protect you against or up to level III-A rounds, however the NIJ rating doesn’t specify anything about padding – or in that case extra-enhanced interior padding – and how it will decrease your chances of brain trauma or internal injuries if shot at by a bullet, unlike other ballistic helmets offered by other bulletproof helmets providers available on the market.
Research has shown that the padding of a bulletproof helmet can significantly reduce the chances of traumatic brain injury (TBI) from being shot at. At we went to great lengths to design the best bulletproof helmets on the market that would ensure you and your loved ones protection and safety when situations get tough. Not only did we use the best materials to make our helmets exteriors, but we also used the best materials for the interior padding to enhance your comfort, safety and protection and mitigate traumatic brain injury (TBI). Our great range of ballistic helmets will ensure your protection during and after dangerous situations.
Starting with our top of the line the High-Cut (III-A) Tactical Bulletproof Helmet, unlike other bulletproof helmet providers, our High-Cut Bulletproof Helmet is equipped with extra-enhanced interior padding that significantly helps reduce brain trauma or internal injuries if shot at by a bullet. The extra-enhanced interior padding system includes seven (7) high-density memory foam pads that allow users to comfortably wear the helmet. Unlike other ballistic helmets which only include a couple of interior padding, the seven (7) pads are comfortable, lightweight, and can also be removed for cleaning or replacement. In addition, users can remove some, or all, of the padding in case they need extra space around their head to accommodate cold-weather head gear, or head-mounted communication devices. Our enhanced padding is a huge advantage and will significantly increase your chances of survival and injury if shot – it is hard to find other helmets at our price point that have such a great and high-quality interior padding system.

Our MICH (III-A) Bulletproof Helmet is equipped with durable pads (7 pads in total) along with a strong head harness with rubber chin up. The trauma pads on the inside are very, very comfortable. Unlike other bulletproof helmets, our bulletproof helmets are equipped with extra-enhanced interior padding that significantly helps reduce brain trauma or internal injuries if shot at by a bullet. This is a huge advantage and will significantly increase your chances of survival and injury if shot.

Finally, our PASGT (III-A) Bulletproof Helmet is equipped with a durable head harness as well as a cushioned interior and headband for maximum comfort during many types of situations requiring a bulletproof and tactical helmet. Unlike other bulletproof helmets, our bulletproof helmets are equipped with extra-enhanced interior padding that significantly helps reduce brain trauma or internal injuries if shot at by a bullet. This is a huge advantage and will significantly increase your chances of survival and injury if shot.